Argentina, IMF staff-level agreement set to combine reviews on $44 billion loan  | Reuters News Agency
Business & Finance

Argentina, IMF staff-level agreement set to combine reviews on $44 billion loan 

Reuters was first to report that the International Monetary Fund and Argentina were planning to combine reviews on two loan agreements – a push that would allow the fund to streamline and bundle disbursements to the cash-strapped economy on its $44 billion loan program. The IMF confirmed the much-anticipated plan, which will unlock about $7.5 billion for South America’s third largest economy as it enters a crucial election with depleted reserves and a drought battered economy that is facing a painful recession. 

Market Impact

Facing a recession and triple-digit inflation, Argentina is scheduled to have four reviews between December and September 2024 on its IMF program. 

Article Tags
Topics of Interest: Business & Finance
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Business & Finance
Regions: Americas
Countries: Argentina
Win Types: ExclusivitySpeed
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Significant National Story
Flash_7.28.23_imf argentina
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