FBI agents deliver grand jury subpoenas as ADM criminal probe escalates  | Reuters News Agency
Business & FinanceCommodities

FBI agents deliver grand jury subpoenas as ADM criminal probe escalates 

Reuters exclusively reported that FBI agents delivered grand jury subpoenas to current and former employees of grain trader Archer-Daniels-Midland, escalating a Justice Department probe into the company that was also first reported by Reuters last month. ADM confirmed the story on Thursday. 

Market Impact

Shares of ADM briefly turned lower after the Reuters story was published.

Article Tags
Topics of Interest: Business & FinanceCommodities
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Business & FinanceCommodities & Energy
Regions: Americas
Countries: United States
Win Types: Exclusivity
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Significant National Story
Weekly_031424 - ADM
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