Reuters exclusively reports Spanish firms seeking to sell stake in South African solar plant | Reuters News Agency

Reuters exclusively reports Spanish firms seeking to sell stake in South African solar plant

Reuters exclusively reported that Spain’s Grupo Cobra and SENER companies are seeking to exit their stake in the 100-megawatt Ilanga solar power plant, which supplies electricity to South Africa’s national grid. Grupo Solar and SENER have hired bankers for the transaction, in line with their strategies to exit minority stakes in up and running assets. The companies together hold a 20% stake in the project.

Article Tags
Topics of Interest: DealsEnergyEnvironment
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Commodities & Energy
Regions: AfricaEurope
Countries: South AfricaSpain
Win Types: Exclusivity
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Important Regional Story
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