Romanian port can ship more Ukraine grain after collapse of Black Sea deal | Reuters News Agency

Romanian port can ship more Ukraine grain after collapse of Black Sea deal

Reuters exclusively reported that Romania’s Constanta port, Ukraine’s main alternative route for grain since Russia’s withdrawal led to the collapse of the Black Sea shipment deal, has capacity to handle extra cargoes until mid-August. 

Market Impact

Ukraine and Russia are major global grain exporters, and Romania is one of the European Union’s biggest growers. It is one of five eastern EU countries that experienced an influx of Ukrainian grain as a result of Russia’s invasion, leading the EU to approve temporary restrictions that meant grain could only transit through the countries. 

Article Tags
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Commodities & Energy
Regions: Europe
Countries: RomaniaRussiaUkraine
Win Types: Exclusivity
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Important Regional Story
Workspace_7.27.23_romanian port
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