SEC collects Wall Street's private messages as WhatsApp probe escalates | Reuters News Agency

SEC collects Wall Street’s private messages as WhatsApp probe escalates

Reuters exclusively reported that the U.S. securities regulator has collected thousands of staff messages from more than a dozen major investment companies, escalating its probe into Wall Street’s use of private messaging apps. 

Market Impact

While Reuters and other media have reported that the SEC’s “off-channel” communication probe has expanded to investment advisers, its move to review thousands of their staff messages has not previously been reported. It marks an escalation of the investigation and raises the stakes for the companies and the executives concerned by exposing their conduct to SEC scrutiny. 

Article Tags
Topics of Interest: Technology
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Economy & PolicyTechnology
Regions: Americas
Countries: US
Win Types: Exclusivity
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Significant National Story
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